Thursday 5 May 2016

Cover Work

Hi all,

I am sorry that I can't make your lesson today but trust that you will be respectful and work on your controlled assessment in my absence- especially as we are running a bit behind where I would like to be!

Tasks for today:
  • Firstly you will need to copy this template three times (one for each of your practicals)- give the document a title of each document the name of the food product and your name e.g. Lemon Meringue Pie (Mr Coggins), Cheesecake (Mrs Button) etc. Please make sure you copy it- File.make a copy>rename it.
  • You will then need to copy and paste your practical pictures (which I have shared with you) and can be found here. across to the document and place in the box that says “Image of food product”
  • You should then fill in the ingredients list for each of the products. This should include every ingredient including water, salt, etc. You will need to leave cost and standard components as we will do these later on.
  • You should then complete the functions of ingredients part using the textbook to help. This is the minimum of where I expect you to complete by the end of the two hours. Please use key-words from the key word display as much as example is below:

Standard Component?
Strong Bread flour

Has a high gluten content which when mixed with water creates a stretchy and elastic dough. Dextrinisation occurs when starch is heated.

Helps the bread rise by creating carbon dioxide through fermentation.

  • If you finish this they should then complete the MESS issues box. Use their design ideas box to help them complete this!
  • If this is completed then you should complete the evaluation at the bottom of the page. The powerpoint to help has been shared with them and is on my Blog.
  • My year 10 blog has all of this information and links to help on as well!

Have a good weekend and I will see you on Wednesday for our next practical!


Mr C
Copy of Template-

Photo Gallery:

Practical Write up Pages Powerpoint: